Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials
Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (CAMM) is a unique research center in North America specializing in sheet metal stamping and joining with substantial emphasis on tool wear, and mechanics of material fracture in stamping and joining operations, and analysis of performance of sheared edges of stamped panels. CAMM includes a fully automated press cell capable of physically simulating interactions of die surface with sheet metal taking into consideration specific lubrication and coating conditions for variety of high volume sheet metal stamping processes. CAMM is developing innovative sheet metal forming and joining processes achieving substantial enhancement of formability of lightweight materials. CAMM also serves as a base for Chrysler Learning and Innovation Center for Sheet Metal Forming CLIC-Form.
Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (CAMM) incorporates cutting edge research and educational programs for both graduate and undergraduate students. CAMM is comprised of three labs located on Oakland University Campus including traditional and advanced sheet metal forming and joining equipment as well as material testing equipment.
Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Ph.D.
Director of CAMM and CLIC Form program
Mechanical Engineering Department
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Oakland University
318 Engineering Center
115 Library Dr.,
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: (248) 370-4051
Fax: (248) 370-4416
100 ton Dake hydraulic press;
65 ton Minster mechanical press capable to operate with the coil up to 120 strokes/min with coiler and straightener;
100kN Instron tensile testing machine with video extensometer and digital image correlation;
Laboratory cold rolling mill IRM;
Ductility tester;
Aramis optical system for Digital Image Correlation measurements;
Argus optical system for measuring strain distributions in industrial parts
Pulse generators: 100kJ Pulsar; 40kJ IAP and 22 kJ IAP Magnepress;
1500 C furnace;
Contact pressure measuring system
Multiple experimental dies for trimming, self-piercing riveting, drawing, bulging, bending, etc.
- Cheng, D.E. Green, and S.F. Golovashchenko “An Integrated Finite Element-based Simulation Framework: From Hole Piercing to Hole Expansion” Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Volume 244, June 2017, Pages 178–189.
- Nasheralahkami, S.F. Golovashchenko, S. Dawson, and R. Sohmshetty “Analysis of Tool Wear for Trimming of DP980 Sheet Metal Blanks” SAE International Journal of Engines, April 2017, Volume 10, Pages 1-6, doi:10.4271/2017-01-0302.
- Hu, S. Sun and S.F. Golovashchenko “An Integrated Finite Element-based Simulation Framework: From Hole Piercing to Hole Expansion” Journal of Finite Elements Analysis and Design. Volume 109, February 2016, Pages 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.finel.2015.09.005
- V. Mamutov, S.F. Golovashchenko, V.S. Mamutov, J.J.F. Bonnen. Modeling of electrohydraulic forming of sheet metal parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, May 2015, Volume 219, pp. 84-100. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.11.045
- Maris, A. Hassannejadasl; D. E. Green, J. Cheng, S.F. Golovashchenko, A.J.Gillard, Y. Liang “Comparison of quasi-static and electrohydraulic free forming limits for DP600 and AA5182 sheets” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 235 (2016), pp. 206–219.
- Wang, S.F. Golovashchenko ”Mechanism of fracture of aluminum blanks subjected to stretching along the sheared edge” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, V.233, July 2016, p.142–160.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, A.V. Mamutov, and R.Ibrahim “Pulsed Electrohydraulic Springback Calibration of Parts Stamped from Advanced High Strength Steel” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, V.214, p.2796-2810.
- Tang, S.F.Golovashchenko, J.Bonnen, A.Mamutov, A.Gillard and D.Bonnen. Analysis of loads on the shearing edge during Electrohydraulic Trimming of AHSS steel in comparison with conventional trimming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, Volume 214, Issue 12, pp. 2843 – 2857.
- Wanintradul, S.F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard and L.M.Smith “Hemming Process with Counteraction Force to Prevent Creepage” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2014, Volume 16, Issue 3, August 2014, pp. 379 – 390.
- Hassannejadasl, D. Green, S. Golovashchenko, J.Samei, C.Maris “Numerical Modeling of Electrohydraulic Free-Forming and Die-Forming of DP590 steel” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2014, Volume 16, Issue 3, August 2014, pp. 391 – 404.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, A.V. Mamutov, and R.Ibrahim “Pulsed Electrohydraulic Springback Calibration of Parts Stamped from Advanced High Strength Steel” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, V.214, p.2796-2810.
- Wanintradul, S.F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard and L.M.Smith “Hemming Process with Counteraction Force to Prevent Creepage” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2014, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 379 - 390
- Samei, D. Green, and S. Golovashchenko “Metallurgical Investigations on Hyperplasticity in Dual Phase Steel Sheets” Transactions ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, V.136, N4, 2014.
- Samei, D. E.Green and S.F.Golovashchenko “Analysis of Failure in Dual Phase Steel Sheets Subject to Electrohydraulic Forming” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, August 2014, Volume 136, Issue 5, p. 51010 – published on line.
- Hu, S. Sun and S.F. Golovashchenko “Predicting Tensile Stretchability of Trimmed AA6111-T4 Sheets” Computational Materials Science, V.85, (2014), 409–419.
- Ibrahim, S.Golovashchenko, J.Bonnen, L.Smith and A. Gillard "Analysis of dynamic loads on the dies in High Speed Sheet Metal Forming Processes" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 1759 – 1769.
- Q. Le, J.A. deVries, S.F. Golovashchenko and J.J.F. Bonnen “Analysis of Sheared Edge Formability of Aluminum” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, V.214 (April 2014) 876– 891.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, A.V. Mamutov, J.J.F. Bonnen and Z. Tang “Electrohydraulic Trimming of Advanced and Ultra High Strength Steels” Journal of Materials Processing Technology. V. 214 (2014), N4, pp. 1027-1043.
- X.Hu, S. Sun and S.F. Golovashchenko “Edge Fracture Prediction of Traditional and Advanced Trimming Processes for AA6111-T4 Sheets” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014, Volume 136, Issue 2, p. 21016.
- J.J.F. Bonnen, S.F. Golovashchenko, S.A. Dawson and A.V. Mamutov “Electrode Erosion Observed in Electro-Hydraulic Discharges Used In Pulsed Sheet Metal Forming” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013, V. 22, Issue 12, p. 3946-3958.
- N. Bessonov, E. Babushkina, S. Golovashchenko, A. Tosenberger, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Panteleev, A. Tokarev, and V. Volpert. “Numerical simulations of blood flows with non-uniform distribution of erythrocytes and platelets”. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling" 2013, Vol. 28, in press. Accepted for publication in July 2013.
- V. Batygin, S.F.Golovashchenko, and A.V.Gnatov “Pulsed Electromagnetic Attraction of Nonmagnetic Sheet Metals” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, V.214 (2014) p. 390– 401.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, and A.V. Mamutov. “Formability of Advanced High Strength Steels in Electrohydraulic Forming” Journal of Materials Processing Technology. V.213, p.1191-1212.
- Y.V. Batygin, S.F.Golovashchenko, and A.V. Gnatov “Pulsed electromagnetic attraction of sheet metals – Fundamentals and perspective applications” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 213, p.444-452.
- J. Samei, D. Green, S. Golovashchenko, and A. Hassannejadasl “Quantititve analysis of microstructure deformation improvement in dual phase steels subject to electrohydraulic forming” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. V.22, N7, p.2080-2088.
- A.J Gillard, S.F.Golovashchenko and A.V.Mamutov “Effect of quasi-static prestrain on the formability of dual phase steels in electrohydraulic forming” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, V.15, 2013, p. 201-218.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, N.M. Bessonov and A.M. Ilinich “Two-step method of forming complex shapes from sheet metal” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 211, Issue 5, May 2011, p. 875-885.
- A.M. Ilinich, S.F. Golovashchenko, and L.M. Smith "Material anisotropy and trimming method effects on total elongation in DP500 sheet steel" Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 211, Issue 3, March 2011, p. 441-449.
- N.M. Bessonov, S.F. Golovashchenko and V. Volpert “Numerical Modelling of Contact Elastic-Plastic Flows” Journal of Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, Vol.4, 2009, pp.44-87.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.M. Ilinich, N.M. Bessonov and L.M. Smith “Analysis of Trimming Processes for Advanced High Strength Steels”, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, October 2009, Vol.2, N1, p.487-493. Also published as SAE paper 2009-01-1175.
- S.F. Golovashchenko ”Quality of trimming and its effect on stretch flanging of automotive panels,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2008, Vol.17, N3, p.316-325.
- F. Golovashchenko and A.M. Ilinich, “Analysis of trimming processes for advanced high strength steels” SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, SAE International Journal of Materials & Manufacturing April 2009 , Vol.1, N1, p.818-823. Also published as SAE Paper 2008-01-1446.
- J. Roth, I. Loker, D. Mauck, M. Warner, S. Golovashchenko and A. Krause ”Enhanced formability of 5754 aluminum sheet metal using electric pulsing” Transactions NAMRI/ SME 406 V.36, 2008, p.405-412.
- S.F. Golovashchenko ”Analysis of trimming of aluminum closure panels,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2007, Vol.16, No.2, p.213-219.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Material formability and coil design in electromagnetic forming,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2007, Vol.16, No.3, p.314-320.
- S.F. Golovashchenko ”A study on trimming of aluminum auto body sheet and development of a new robust process eliminating burrs and slivers,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,V.48, N12, 2006, p.1384-1400.
- J. Imbert, S. Winkler, M. Worswick, D. Olivera, and S. Golovashchenko “The effect of tool/sheet interaction in damage evolution of electromagnetic forming of aluminum alloy sheet,” Transactions ASME. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2005, N1, p.145-153.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.R. Krause: "Improvement of formability of 6xxx aluminum alloys using incremental forming technology," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2005, Vol.14, N4, p.503-507.
- S.F. Golovashchenko: "Sharp Flanging and Flat Hemming of Aluminum Exterior Body Panels," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2005, Vol.14, N4, p.508-515.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, V.G. Kondratenko and A.V. Vlasov: "Experimental investigation of flanging of aluminum panels as a first stage of hemming process," Journal of Moscow State Technical University, 2005, N2, p.280-286.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.R. Krause: “Incremental forming of aluminum panels,” Invited Paper, International Journal of Aluminum Processes and Technologies, 2004, N2, p.87-88.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and N.M. Bessonov: “Numerical Simulation of High-Rate Stamping of Tubes and Sheets,” Centre de Researches Mathematiques, 1999, Volume 21, p.199-207.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.I. Oreshenkov, and A.G. Polushin: “Method of calculating of dynamic pressure in the deformation of pipes into annular grooves,” Strength of Materials. Springer 1991, Vol.23, N5, p.577-582.
- F. Golovashchenko, W. Zhou, S. Nasheralahkami, and N.Wang, "Trimming and sheared edge stretchability of light weight sheet metal blanks" Accepted for publication in Proceedings of International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Cambridge, UK, 2017.
- Hu, X. Sun, and S.F. Golovashchenko “The Role of Second Phase Hard Particles on Hole Stretchability of Two AA6xxx Alloys” SAE Paper 2017-01-0307. 6p.
- Nasheralahkami, S., Golovashchenko, S.F. (30%), Malek, C., Rugh, E., Kowalski, D. and Zhou, W., “Sheared Edge Stretchability of Steels Suitable for Automotive Applications” SAE Paper 2017-01-1708. 8p.
- Wang, S.F. Golovashchenko “Effect of Tool Stiffness and Cutting Edge Condition on Quality and Stretchability of Sheared Edge of Aluminum Blanks” SAE Paper 2016-01-0348. 7p. Presented at SAE Congress in Detroit in April 2016.
- Nasheralahkami, S. Golovashchenko, K. Pan, L. Brown, B. Gugnani “Characterization of Trimmed Edge of Advanced High Strength Steel” SAE Paper 2016-01-0358. 7p. Presented at SAE Congress in Detroit in April 2016.
- V. Mamutov, S.F.Golovashchenko, J.J. Bonnen, A.J. Gillard, S.A. Dawson, L. Maison “Electrohydraulic forming of lightweight automotive panels” Proceedings of International Conference on High Speed Forming, April 27-28, 2016, p. 115-124.
- Hu, X. Sun, S. F. Golovashchenko “An Integrated Finite Element Framework for the Hole Piercing to Hole Expansion Process of AA6111-T4 Sheets” Proceedings of 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, May 31 - June 4, 2015: Colorado Springs, CO
- Wang, S. Golovashchenko, and Q. Le "Experimental Study of Stretchability of Sheared Edge of Aluminum Sheet 6111-T4," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0516, 7p. Published 04-14-2015.
- Mamutov, S. Golovashchenko, A.Mamutov “Simulation of high-voltage discharge channel in water at electrohydraulic forming using LS Dyna” Proceedings of 13th International LS Dyna Users Conference, June 11th, 2014. P.1-1…1-9.
- V. Batygin, S.F.Golovashchenko, A.V.Gnatov, E.A. Chaplygin “Pulsed Electromagnetic Attraction Processes for Sheet Metal Components” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on High Speed Forming, May 26-29, 2014, Daejeon, Korea, pp.253-260.
- Hassannejadasl, T. Rahmaan, D. E. Green, S. F. Golovashchenko, M. J. Worswick “Prediction of DP600 Flow Surfaces at Various Strain-rates Using Yld2004-18p Yield Function” Procedia Engineering, Volume 81, 2014, Pages 1378–1383. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2014, 19-24 October 2014, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan.
- Hassannejadasl, D. E. Green and S.F. Golovashchenko ”Electrohydraulic Forming of Dual Phase Steels; Numerical and Experimental Work,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1567, Issue 1, p.1115-1118. DOI:10.1063/1.4850166.
- S. Sarraf, J. Samei, D.E. Green, S. Golovashchenko “Strain hardening in dual phase steel sheets formed into a conical die using an electrohydraulic forming process” “Measurement and Modeling of High Strain-rate Deformation” - Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2013 Conference, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, p.2587-2594.
- Samei, D. Green and S. Golovashchenko “Quantitative analysis of the voids in dual phase steel sheets under quasi-static conditions” in “Failure Analysis and Prevention” - Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2013 Conference, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, p.2412-2416.
- Ibrahim, S.F. Golovashchenko, A.V. Mamutov, J.J.F. Bonnen, A.J. Gillard, and L.M. Smith “Analysis of contact stresses in high speed metal forming processes” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on High Speed Forming, Dortmund, 2012, p.93-102.
- J.J.F. Bonnen, S.F. Golovashchenko, S.A. Dawson, and A.V. Mamutov “Electrohydraulic sheet metal forming of aluminum panels” Proceedings of the TMS Light Metals 2012 Conference, Orlando, FL, pp.494-454.
- A.M. Ilinich, S.F. Golovashchenko and L.M. Smith: "Development of a New Technology for Trimming of Dual Phase Steels," Proceedings of 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, p.1016-1026.
- R. Ibrahim, L.M. Smith, and S.F. Golovashchenko: "An Improved Numerical Integration Method for Springback Predictions," Proceedings of 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, p.1151-1158.
- A.M. Ilinich, S.F. Golovashchenko and L.M.Smith "Analysis of Methods for Determining Sheared Edge Formability" SAE Paper 2011-01-1062, 9p.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.V. Mamutov, J.J.F. Bonnen, and A.J. Gillard "Electrohydraulic Forming of Sheet Metal Parts" Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, p.1170-1175.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, N.M. Bessonov and R.W. Davies "Analysis of blank-die contact interaction in pulsed forming processes" Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on High Speed Forming, Dortmund, Germany, 2008, p.3-12.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, N.M. Bessonov, and R.W. Davies "Modeling of pulsed electromagnetic forming" NUMISHEET 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, p.739-742.
- R.W. Davies, S.F. Golovashchenko and J.A. Carpenter “Electromagnetic forming of aluminum sheet” Automotive Lightweighting Materials FY2007, Progress report, p.42-46.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.M. Ilinich “Analysis of trimming processes for stamped body panels” Great Designs in Steel 2008, 21p &TEMPLATE= /CM/ HTMLDisplay.cfm
- S.F. Golovashchenko ”Pulsed electromagnetic forming and joining,” Materials Processing under the Influence of External Fields, Proceedings of TMS 2007 Annual meeting, p.195-200.
- S.F. Golovashchenko: ”Improvement of quality of trimmed surface of aluminum panels,” Aluminum Alloys for Transportation, Packaging, Aerospace and Other Applications Edited by Subodh K. Das, TMS Annual meeting, 2007, p.41-50.
- R.W. Davies, S.F. Golovashchenko, and J.A.Carpenter “Electromagnetic forming of aluminum sheet” Automotive Lightweighting Materials FY2006, Progress report, p.32-37.
- S.F. Golovashchenko: “Electromagnetic Forming and Joining for Automotive Applications” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF’2006), Dortmund, Germany, p.201-206.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, N.M. Bessonov, and R.W. Davies: “Design and testing of coils for pulsed electromagnetic forming” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference ICHSF’2006, Dortmund, Germany, p.141-151.
- J. Imbert, M. Worswick, and S. Golovashchenko “Contributing factors to the increased formability observed in electromagnetically formed aluminum alloy sheet” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF’2006), Dortmund, Germany, p.3-12.
- S.F. Golovashchenko ”Robust Trimming of Automotive Panels”, Invited paper in Proceedings of International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing THERMEC’2006, Vancouver, Canada, Materials Science Forum Vols.539-543.
- A.Krause, W.Donlon, A.Gillard and S.Golovashchenko "A microstructural examination of aluminum alloys subjected to incremental forming," Proceedings of TMS Symposium “Aluminum Wrought Product for Automotive, Packaging, and Other Applications, San Antonio, Texas, 2006, p.77-86.
- R. Davies, F.Stavehaag, S.Golovashchenko and J.Carpenter "Electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Sheet," FY2005 Progress Report on Automotive Lightweighting Materials,p.31-37.
- S.F. Golovashchenko "Springback calibration using pulsed electromagnetic field," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference NUMISHEET 2005, Detroit, p.284-285.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and N.M. Bessonov "Development of sharp flanging technology for aluminum panels," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference NUMISHEET 2005, Detroit, p.687-690.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, A.R. Krause and A.J. Gillard "Incremental forming of aluminum panels," Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 5-11, 2005 Orlando, FL, Paper IMECE 2005-81069, 7p.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.M. Ilinich “Trimming of advanced high strength steels,” Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005 Orlando, FL, Paper IMECE 2005-79983, 8p.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, V.V. Dmitriev, and A.R. Krause “Electromagnetic welding of 6061 Aluminum alloy” TMS letters, 2005, V.2:2, p.41-42.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and V.S. Mamutov ”Electrohydraulic Forming of Automotive Panels,” Proceedings of 6th Global Innovations Symposium: Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Transpotation Industries, TMS, 2005, p.65-70.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, N.M. Bessonov, and R.W. Davies ”Pulsed electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Body Panels,” Proceedings of 6th Global Innovations Symposium: Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Transportation Industries, TMS, 2005, p.71-76.
- J.Imbert, M.Worswick, S.Winkler, S.Golovashchenko, and V.Dmitriev "Analysis of the Increased Formability of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Formed Using Electromagnetic Forming," SAE Paper 2005-01-0082, 13p.
- S.F Golovashchenko and V.S. Mamutov “Stress-strain curves of sheet material in high-rate forming processes,” Proceedings of 1st International Conference on High Speed Forming, Dortmund, Germany, 2004, p.23-32.
- N.M. Bessonov and S.F. Golovashchenko “Numerical simulation of pulsed electromagnetic stamping processes,” Proceedings of 1st International Conference on High Speed Forming, Dortmund, Germany, 2004, p.83-91.
- J. Imbert, S. Winkler, M. Worswick, and S. Golovashchenko “Formability and damage in electromagnetically formed AA5754 and AA6111,” Proceedings of 1st International Conference on High Speed Forming, Dortmund, Germany, 2004, p 201-210.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.R. Krause “Incremental Forming of Aluminum Alloys,” Proceedings of TMS Symposium “Aluminum 2004”, p.53-62.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.V. Vlassov: “Flanging of aluminum panels,” Proceedings of TMS Symposium “Aluminum 2004,” p.43-52.
- J. Imbert, S. Winkler, M. Worswick, D. Olivera, and S. Golovashchenko “Numerical study of damage evolution and failure in an electromagnetic corner fill,” Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, OH, 2004, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, Vol. 712, p.1833-1838.
- W. Davies and S.F. Golovashchenko: "Electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Sheet. FY2003: Annual Progress Report for Automotive Lightweight Materials," April 2004, p.27-34.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, V.S. Mamutov, V.V. Dmitriev and A.M. Sherman "Formability of sheet metal with pulsed electromagnetic and electrohydraulic technologies," Proceedings of TMS symposium "Aluminum-2003," San-Diego, 2003, p.99-110.
- J. Imbert, M. Worswick, D. Oliveira, N. Cinotti, and S. Golovashchenko: "Damage prediction in aluminum alloy sheet electromagnetic forming," Proceedings of the International Conference on Plasticity- 2003, "Dislocations, Plasticity and Metal Forming," p.178-180.
- W. Davies and S.F. Golovashchenko "Electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Sheet. FY2002: Annual Progress Report for Automotive Lightweight Materials," January 2003, p.27-31.
- W. Davies and S.F. Golovashchenko "Electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Sheet. FY2001: Progress Report for Automotive Lightweight Materials", January, 2002, p.29-32.
- F. Golovashchenko "Electromagnetic Forming and Joining of Tubes," Proceedings of International Technical Forum on Transportation Fuels, Fleets, and Vehicle Technologies, Windsor, 2002, p.1-10.
- F. Golovashchenko and N.M. Bessonov "Numerical simulation of high-rate deformation of sheets and tubes", Published in Proceedings of 29th International Seminar "Advanced Problems in Solid Mechanics", St.Petersburg, 2001, p.277-284.
- M. Bessonov, S.F. Golovashchenko and D.A. Kassirova "Numerical simulation of elasto-plastic flow", Published in Proceedings of 29th International Seminar "Advanced Problems in Solid Mechanics", St.Petersburg, 2001, p.139-142.
- S.F. Golovashchenko "Methodology of Design of Pulsed Electromagnetic Joining of Tubes," Proceedings of the TMS Symposium "Innovations in Processing and Manufacturing of Sheet Materials", February 11-15th, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, p.283-299.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Mechanics of pulsed pressing for assembling tubes,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Technologies and Machine-Tools for Cold Metal Forming, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2000, p.149-154.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “A study on trimming of Al alloy parts,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (6th ICTP), Nuremberg, Germany, 1999, p.2261-2266.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Numerical and experimental analysis of the trimming process,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Forming Processes, Besancon, France, 1999, p.621-627.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Numerical and experimental results on pulsed tubes calibration,” Proceedings of the 1999 TMS Symposium “Sheet Metal Forming Technology”, San-Diego,1999, p.117-127.
- S.F. Golovashchenko, R.G. Davies, and W.S. Stewart “Influence of tooling geometry on quality of aluminum sheets shearing surface,” 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers annual Congress Proceedings, SAE Technical Paper 970716, Reprinted from: Sheet Metal Stamping: Development Application, p.139-146.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Electromagnetic Impulse Joining and Shearing of Al-Cu and AL-Mg alloy tubes,” Proceedings of 1995 Fall TMS meeting “Aluminum and Magnesium for Automotive application,” Cleveland, USA, 1997, p.209-221.
- S.F. Golovashchenko “Impulsive electromagnetic tubes shearing process,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Plasticity (5th ICTP), Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 1996, p.939-942.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.G. Ovchinnikov “Numerical simulation of impulsive metal forming,” In: Proceedings of the International conference “Metal Forming Processes Simulation in Industry”, Baden-Baden, Germany,1994, p.149-168.
- S.F. Golovashchenko and A.I. Oreshenkov “Calculation of constructive-technological parameters for assembling of joints,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Metal Forming, 1991, Gyor, Hungary, p.205-211.
- US Patent 9676054 – “Electrode cartridge for pulse welding,” J.J.F. Bonnen, S.F. Golovashchenko, A. Mamutov, L.D. Maison, S.A. Dawson, J. deVries , Granted June 13th, 2017.
- US Patent 9,527,125 – “Draw die set with rolling elements on punch and draw die cavity,” S.F. Golovashchenko. Granted December 27th, 2016.
- US Patent 9,522,419 – “Method and apparatus for making a part by first forming an intermediate part that has donor pockets in predicted low strain areas adjacent to predicted high strain areas,” S.F. Golovashchenko. Granted December 20th, 2016.
- US Patent 9,500,304 – “Assembly including parts made of dissimilar metals and the method of manufacturing the assembly,” S.F.Golovashchenko. Granted November 22nd, 2016.
- US Patent 9,421,636 – “Pulse joining cartridges,” S.F.Golovashchenko and J.J.F. Bonnen. Granted August 23rd, 2016.
- US Patent 9,375,775 – “Hydromechanical drawing process and machine,” S.F. Golovashchenko, Granted June 28th, 2016.
- US Patent 9,327,331 – “Hemming a flange with compression to form a sharp edge,” S.F.Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, and C. Wanintradul. Granted May 3rd, 2016.
- US Provisional Patent Application filed by OU – “Sheet Metal Blank Destacker,” S.F. Golovashchenko. Filed October 17th, 2016.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, C. Wanintradul “Hemming a Flange with Compression to Form a Sharp Edge” US 9327331 B2, Issued May 3rd, 2016.
- F. Golovashchenko “Electro-hydraulic rivet and method of riveting and welding parts” US Patent number: 9296037. Issued March 29th, 2016.
- J.F. Bonnen, S.F. Golovashchenko, A.V. Mamutov, L.D. Maison, S.D. Dawson, J. deVries “Solid cartridge for a pulse weld forming electrode and method of joining tubular members” US Patent 9266190, Issued February 23rd, 2016.
- F. Golovashchenko “Method and apparatus for sharp flanging and trimming sheet metal panels” US Patent 9174259 Issued November 3rd, 2015.
- F. Golovashchenko “Electro-hydraulic rivet and method of riveting and welding parts” US Patent 9168581 Issued October 27, 2015.
- F. Golovashchenko, J. J. F. Bonnen, S. A. Dawson, R. Narainen, A. Mamutov, A. DiVeto “Deep draw manufacturing process” US Patent 9044801 B2, Issued June 2nd, 2015.
- F. Golovashchenko and J.J.F. Bonnen “Method of forming an integral grid reinforcement in a part using an electro-hydraulic forming process,” US Patent 8,966,950 Issued March 3rd, 2015.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, C. Wanintradul “Hemming a flange with compression to form a sharp edge” US Patent 8875554, November 4, 2014
- F. Golovashchenko Electro-hydraulic forming process with electrodes that advance within a fluid chamber toward a workpiece” US Patent 8844331, September 30, 2014.
- F.Golovashchenko “Method of drawing a blank by performing a channel in a preform that is subsequently drawn into a die cavity” US Patent 8756970, June 24th, 2014.
- F.Golovashchenko “Electro-hydraulic flanging and trimming” US Patent 8739590, June 3rd , 2014.
- F. Golovashchenko “Method of reducing cycle time in a hydro-mechanical forming process and a tool for hydro-mechanically forming a part” US Patent 8701453, April 22nd, 2014.
- F. Golovashchenko “Method and apparatus for forming sharp styling lines on metal panels” US Patent 8683836, April 1st, 2014.
- F. Golovashchenko “Apparatus and method using reduced volume electro-hydraulic chambers for trimming and joining panels” US Patent 8667823, March 11th, 2014.
- J.F. Bonnen, S.F. Golovashchenko, S.A. Dawson “Electrode assembly for electrohydraulic forming process” US Patent 8667824, March 11th, 2014.
- F. Golovashchenko, J.J.F.Bonnen “Method and tool for expanding tubular members by electrohydraulic forming” US Patent 8567223, October 29th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Metal members and assemblies that have reinforced punched holes and method of forming the holes” US Patent 8,545,157 October 1st, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Hydromechanical drawing process and machine” US Patent 8,534,106 September 17th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Method and apparatus for pulsed forming and trimming of tubular members” US Patent 8,534,107 September 17th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Calibrating hydro-formed tubular parts” US Patent 8,534,109 September 17th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Screening test for stretch flanging a trimmed metal surface” US Patent 8,511,178, August 20th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Method and apparatus for hydroforming an elongated tubular member” US Patent 8,505,349, August 13th, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko “Process for pre-forming cylindrical tubes into tubular members having sharp corners” US Patent 8,443,642, May 21st, 2013.
- F. Golovashchenko and J.J.F. Bonnen “Seals for fluid forming tools” US Patent 8,136,378. March 19, 2012.
- F. Golovashchenko ”Method of using an electromagnetic forming machine to hem a plurality of panels to form a panel assembly," US Patent 7,918,118, April 5th, 2011
- F. Golovashchenko "Method and tool for contracting tubular members by electro-hydraulic forming before hydroforming," US Patent 7,905,129, March 15th, 2011.
- F. Golovashchenko "Pulsed electro-hydraulic calibration of stamped panels," US Patent 7,827,838, November 9th, 2010.
- F. Golovashchenko "Electrohydraulic trimming, flanging and hemming of blanks" US Patent 7,810,366, October 12th, 2010.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J.Gillard, D.Piccard, and A.M. Ilinich "Electrohydraulic forming tool and method of forming sheet metal blank with the same" US Patent 7,802,457, September 28th, 2010.
- F. Golovashchenko, V.V. Dmitriev, P. Canfield, A.R. Krause, and C.Maranville “Apparatus for electromagnetic forming with durability and efficiency enhancements” US Patent 7,540,180, June 2nd, 2009.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.J. Gillard, D. Cedar, and A.M. Ilinich, ”Electrohydraulic forming tool” US Patent 7,516,634, April 14th, 2009.
- F. Golovashchenko, A.R. Krause, and J. Roth “Method and apparatus for forming a blank as a portion of the blank receives pulses of direct current” US Patent 7,516,640, April 14th, 2009.
- F. Golovashchenko, V.S. Mamutov, and A.M. Ilinich.”Electrohydraulic forming tool having two liquid volumes separated by a membrane” US Patent 7,493,787, February 24th, 2009.
- F. Golovashchenko ”Apparatus for electromagnetically forming a workpiece” US Patent 7,467,532, December 23rd, 2008.
- F. Golovashchenko and M. Blodget: “Apparatus for trimming metal,” US Patent 7,197,970, April 3rd, 2007.
- F. Golovashchenko , A.V. Vlasov, S.S. Kolesov and V.G. Kondratenko: "Flanging process with radial compression of the blank stretched surface,” US Patent 6,928, 848, August 16th, 2005.
- F. Golovashchenko, S.S. Kolesov, A.V. Vlasov, and L.B. Chappuis: "Flanging and hemming processes with radial compression of the blank stretched surface,” US Patent 6,865,917, March 15th, 2005.
- F. Golovashchenko, V.V. Dmitriev, and A.M.Sherman: "An Apparatus for Electromagnetic Forming, Joining and Welding," US Patent 6,875,964, April 5th, 2005.
- Golovashchenko, S.F., Sohmshetty, R., “Evolution of Die Wear and Sheared Edge Parameters in Trimming of DP980 Steel” Great Designs in Steel 2017, 30p. - Golovashchenko, S.F. and Ilinich, A.M., "Analysis of trimming processes for stamped body panels," Great Designs in Steel 2008, 21p - Golovashchenko, S.F., "Electrohydraulic Forming of Near-Net Shape Automotive Panels," Final Report DOE Award Number: DE-FG36-08GO18128, 2013, pp.1-224.
Our Sponsors
- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles,
- The United States Council for Automotive Research
- US Department of Energy/Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Ford Motor Company
- Aleris
- US Steel
- AK Steel
Current projects
- Trimming of Ultra High Strength Steel and Aluminum Alloys
- Die wear of trimming, drawing and hot stamping dies
- Joining of sheet metal parts with Self-Piercing Rivets
- Pulsed forming and pulsed joining processes
- Material Properties at large plastic strains
- Drawbead analysis
- Hemming of Al panels
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